Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What A Time It Was.

Well I surprised Veronika by going up to Montreal to see her, she seemed like she needed a visit, and it was my birthday present, none the less I got there. The flight there was fine, pretty sweet actually, they had entertainment systems in the back of the seats in front of you. I got there and had to wait about 45 minutes to get my luggage, since the door on the plane was stuck closed. I then started to wandering around trying to find her dad, a person I had never seen before. I found him then we went to Starbucks for a morning coffee and such. Got back to her place and waited about half an hour before waking her up........yeah what a loving reaction that was =P. I went and tapped, lightly, on her forehead and she opened her eyes, slowly, looked at me gave me a funny look then said "WHAT THE FUCK!!!??? This must be a bad dream, you are not here I am going to go back to sleep and then wake up and you will not be here, and that will be bad." I just told her to keep on thinking that lol.

For the rest of that day we pretty much just hung out, swimming and such. I slept on a couch for the time that I was there. The next day we spent most of it swimming. We went out for a nice day of driving around, and we got some ice cream, while we were out. We were suppose to go out for supper, but that did not work. Every place we found was either closed or closing. We ended up eating at Raunchy Ronnies since there was no where else to eat, and we needed to eat...BADLY!!!!!!!!! The mood was then not, complete hatred between each other. I fixed that with a quick stop at the local Blockbuster, where I got a bunch of my $10 or less movies; they are in so many way, THE BEST KIND OF MOVIES!!!!!! That lightened the mood of everyone, seeing me buy them, I do not know why but it did.

The last day I was there was probably the funnest day, but the day I had to leave so not my favorite one; and for the only reason. None the less it started off by us going to see a view of ALL OF MONTREAL!!!!! Bet your even more jealous now Poe, and I got to use her dad's REALLY fancy Nikon D70 camera with cool lenses, I felt like a pro, but I was not lol. I then took them out for a nice lunch, it was a buffet and we were all starved. We all ate, then Veronika, Lizzi (Veronika's sister), Rachel (Veronika's youngest sister), and myself all went to a mall for about an hour, before some of her family was to show up at her place. I got my birthday present form her there. I got a freakin'!!! TRANSFORMERS T-SHIRT!!! It was one of the best things I have ever received. We then ventured through the mall and then got picked up by her dad. We went back and had some supper and went swimming before I had to be taken to the airport. I did get to meet more of her family, and they are not sane as well, so I felt a bit more at ease. I got back at 1:00 in the morning the next day and had to be at work for 7:00, what a day that day was; but that is a story for another time. Anyhoo leave your thoughts or comments and keep on bloggin'!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Days Come And Pass With Nothing New Done.

Well I think I am getting into my working rut, in fact I have been called in for later on today; it is my day off, but I do not care I do nothing else around here. I usually just sit by the computer and watch random movies and anime, it is WAY too shitty out side, well around here at least, to do anything else. I rather do enjoy work though, it entertains me and I get money, so I do not care.

I have been in need of more hours lately as well, not so busy means I get sent home early, which I do not like. The weather is looking better for today and tomorrow at least, so I will have a nice walk to work for once. The walk to work takes between half of an hour to a full hour, depending on how energetic I am feeling. None the less we will be getting more business soon so that is what I am looking forward to.

I think I need to get back into shape, I have pretty much lost most of the, okay, cardio-vascular level I had, and I have let myself go, although my legs have stayed in perfect shape, from the fact that I am on my feet for hours on end I guess. I have already, some what, started to get back into shape. I was in shape a while a ago, but yeah.......Lol.

I can not wait till later on in the summer, I have a few things planned, well maybe like one or two, max, but none the less it will be something to do.

Anyhoo leave your thoughts and/or comments and keep on bloggin'!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Good Children, Now One Of You Is Gonna Win A Gold Sticker Tonight."- Jack White.

Well yesterday I had a pretty freakin' sweet birth day; yes it was my birth day yesterday, I know shocking I am not just some imaginary being that is just on this planet for some sick and twisted reason. First off I went to Laura's place, I was welcomed, to say the least, and had an awesome birth day breakfast. I was given a cake and started to watch Sleepless in Seattle; it was not as good as "You've Got Mail", same actors different situation type thing. We then decided to turn that off and get ready to go out for our canoe trip, out to, what turned out to be an awesome place. It took me a little bit to get use to how to paddle, but then it was all good. Me and Laura made it out to the Awesome Place with much ease after that. It was this giant rock out in the middle of a lake, platform on top and a big drop for much jumping fun. We were out there for quite a while, jumping and eating and just having an over all great time. We headed back and then me and Laura watched "Hannibal Rising" which was not the disappointment to which I was told it would be. I talked to Laura and ate birth day cake till I had to go, out for supper with mom. I had such a HUGE dinner, of steak and other great things, then I went and waited in line for Laura, her brother and his friend to show up. We got pushed to the front; BONUS!!! We got in and the 19+ section was way at the back, luckily for us we were not there so we got the better places to stand.....or so we thought at the time. The opening act, Dan Sartain, was actually really good, although he kept on playing and playing. We then waited in suspense for the White Stripes to finally come on stage, and they opened up great music, which the kept up for the night. I had to move, about half way through the show, since there were too many drunk, stoned, and just out of it people, around me, for my liking. Me and Laura moved to the back, where she enjoyed her self more and danced; I bobbed my head along with the groove, I could not dance that night for some reason...like I ever can =P. None the less, we then wandered around the Halifax water fronts, eating ice cream and drinking some pop. We got back to Laura's place and were going to go back in the water for a bit, but everyone was too tired for that so we did not. I got in 5 hours of sleep, since my body hates me, then had to drive mom all over Dartmouth then out to Amherst; to pick up Child, who has been gone for close to 3 weeks, but not long enough it seems. I got back and had to work, that was just hell, it was Nora and myself doing up like 8 orders at once for quite a while, we had to send Coleen home since it was slow before hand. Anyhoo leave you thoughts or comments and keep on bloggin'!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What Have I Been Doing?

I would like to start this post off by saying, HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!! There now that that is out of my system, I feel better... nah not really, but I will keep on thinking that it does. My last post, that I made, which was a draft, was over two months ago. I feel as though I have been neglecting a part of my life now, since I do not have any recollection of what has really gone on since then; and that is sort of why I made this blog in the first place. My posts may be long, but that is just for me to be able to remember all the good times I had, and be able to think back on it the same way I did then, I guess I sort of fucked up since two months of my life is now sort of a blur lol. Anyways on to the important part of this. I have been working at the Lobster Shack now for close to 2 weeks, and it is AWESOME!!! I love my job and the people that are there always have something to say that will make anyone laugh. Veronika will be gone for another 3 weeks or so. What else to say, I passed all my courses, and with better marks then I was expecting; bonus. My birth day and the White Stripes Concert is tomorrow ^_^!!!!!! I have been looking forward to this concert for SO long, I will be paying my friend for the ticket tomorrow lol; I just got enough tip money the other day to be able to pay her =P. In my important news, Diablo 2 has started a new ladder, new ladder means restart of the online world for all those who do not play, and I am the same as always a noob at it lol. I am going to try and become good at it, but I do not get enough time to play for that to happen. Back t the normal world. As well as going to the concert tomorrow I am going to go to Laura's place and chill with her for most of the day. We are going to go to this awesome place to go swimming and all that jazz. Anyhoo that has been my life for the past while, I know I am missing out on so much but right now that does not matter, I will do a recap later of what I missed out on. Leave you thoughts or comments and keep on bloggin'.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Valley. What A Place.

Well I made it down to the Valley for the weekend. Both me and Veronika had such a good time; but unlike me a loss or off set of sleep patterns will have a down side, all this will be explained as you read on. To start off I had to kill some time on Saturday before work and such so mom had me clean, I did that then headed out for work. I have a new bunch of kids this session and man is it ever going to be brutal, I have the youngest of the groups and some of them do not want to listen at all. I got through work and then met up with Veronika, who had been waitng for me since her drivers-ed class had ended before my work got out. So we got some fast food and made are way towards the Valley, mom had offered to drive us there so we would not have to take the bus there and save us some money by doing so; she is such a deary at times.

So we arrived at about 6:00 Saturday night at her friend Marissa's house. We chilled there with Marissa's sister Kyla for a bit since Marissa was not there at the time. Kyla is like the female embodyment of myself.....creepy yet awesome! Marissa showed up after waiting at her place for an hour or so with her boy friend Josh, A.K.A. Joshyfrulala; do not ask. We chilled at her place talking and watching some movie till about 10:00, she then drove us to her friend Maggies house. There are two Maggies, Maggie C and the other one I do not know what the last name starts with.

When we got to Maggies house she offered us some thing to eat or drink, I took a cup of tea and sat down on the couch with Veronika and her. By about 1:30 I was laying on Veronika half passed out, since I had unfoutunatelly not slept since Wednesday night that week. In the mean while though they caught up and talked, I threw in some random commentary every now and then, as to be expected though. Around 2:00 they let me go to sleep and they went upstairs and talked for a while longer. I was up by 6:00 that morning and saw that we would not be going anywhere since there was now about a foot of snow on the ground. We were supose to go to the barn and help out Marissa a bit that day......wasn't going to happen at all now. Later on that day we all made spaghetti and some spaghetti sauce as well for supper of that night, then Maggie had to leave for an Easter dinner so me and Veronika stayed and watched some movies; we ended up watching Mambo Italiano, Chicago, Green Card, and big fish. By the time we had watched all those it was time for supper and Maggie C had shown up....I dared her to drive up Maggies long and snow filled drive way, she got stuck so I had to help her get the car unstuck. We all then started eating and talking. Later on John, Maggie C's boyfriend, showed up and Marissa showed up as well. We all chilled, ate and talked while watching 'What Women Want', and had a great time till 10:00 yet again when Veronika Marissa and myself had to leave.

We got to Marissa's place and chilled till about 12:00 or so, after that Marissa went to her room and me and Veronika dozed for a while trying to get to sleep since things were going on in the house; like random family pictures being dropped, loud people on phones and such kept us up till we finally passed out.

We then chilled in the house for most of the day since Marissa had to go to the barn again, so when she got back we continued to have a good time till we took the bus back home.

All in all I had an amazing trip and would love to go back again!!! Anyhoo leave your thoughts or comments and keep on bloggin'!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

So I Did It Again.

Well I procrastinated so much that I am just going to do up a new post. my other one was starting to become a very long one and I have since then forgotten some of what happened. I did lots of things you could say, movies, snowboarding, hanging out and so on. It was all alot of fun, and some of it was so great!! I wish I would have actually done up that one as the things happened but I did not so it will just be there for me to remember I guess. And those who may read this will most likely already know me and know of what happened. If you do not know me then it will just be a little mystery as to what actualy happened in my life for the last little while. I am going to the Valley this weekend. I am quite excited, since I will be away from the folks for a couple days and I will be on a nice trip to some where I have not been to before. It almost was not going to happen since the people me and Veronika were going to be staying with had family randomly plan to come down for those days, so one of her other friends said we could spend the nights there instead. I have not done too much for the past while now except for play Diablo 2 again. I finally have that game back atleast, one of my 3 I have for the computer. I still need to get the others ones back though. I am not addicted to the game....I SWEAR IT!

I am in need of a new and bigger amp...still!! But I thinkk I might get a new one this weekend, with any luck. The band also has a gig somewheres on the 26th I do believe....I am not well informed on it yet so I will tell you the details when I know them.

Anyhoo leave your thoughts or comments and keep on bloggin'!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Oh Irony.

Well I meant to post something last Sunday when I got back from Athena's house but I forgot to, so here is what has happened to me since I was sick and such. Well I went to Athenas house and we went and rented a movie, "Cabin Fever", it was a very good movie. I was rather impressed and put in on my need to buy list of movies. The whole time I was watching it I was laughing at something or other, or was just so impressed by something or other. I was not at her place for long so I wish I could have stayed longer, we both did really.

After that we had a day off from school, which was great. I watched child and Veronikas sister for the day and did a shit load of home work very slowly. I had so much home work due, since I had slacked off some what so the day off was a much needed moment of grace as well. I did do some what of what I wanted to that day, such as my basic be lazy, and eat what ever when ever sort of thing. Other then that the day was pretty boring. Laura was going to town that day so I asked her to do me a favor, and this is where the irony comes into play.

I had that weekend picked up what I thought to be a b-day present for Veronika, turns out she already had what I had got her, so I had asked Laura to pick her up something for me. The Irony was not yet realised. So the next day when I got the gift I was informed of the irony. The ironic part is that I had got my ex-girl frind to pick up her ex-boy friend a gift to give to his new girl friend, to add to all this Laura forgot her cash at home so her mom was the one that bought it; I was rather impressed at all this. So all in all Wednesday comes around and I give Veronika the gift and tell her the irony, she got a good laugh....I still owe her mom the money and she will get it soon.

And then today......well today was nothing special, just an average day and such, other then spending a double of the russian listening and talking about nuclear explosions and such with Mr. Harley. So yeah that has been my life since then, leave your thoughts or comments and keep on bloggin'.